Service Dog Graduations Don’t Always Go As Planned :(
Not every day is a perfect day. Today was one of those less than perfect days. It was supposed to be a glorious day where friends…
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Not every day is a perfect day. Today was one of those less than perfect days. It was supposed to be a glorious day where friends…
All the hard work we put into raising and training Adelle is finally paying off. We worked with her for nearly two years in preparation…
Can you believe Archer is already 6 months old? We haven’t been diligent about tracking his progress…until now! You can expect to see a monthly…
Emotional Support Animal (ESA) – as defined by Wikipedia: “An emotional support animal (ESA) is a companion animal which provides therapeutic benefit, such as alleviating or mitigating some symptoms of…
We’ve been puppy raising for over 9 years now! Almost into the double digits baby!!! During that time we’ve puppy sat a countless number of…
The Midwest Life Stages Metal Dog Crate Review is nearly 11 years in the making. In fact it’s my first puppy product purchase ever! Flashback to…