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6 Dog Blog Links You Should Not Miss

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Welcome to this weeks Puppy In Training weekly roundup.  As we mentioned before we are doing our best to roundup our favorite dog blog posts from the past week across our favorite doggy blogs.

Our goal is to try and help you by sifting through the best of the best blog posts (well at least the best posts in our mind) and getting you a short, concise list of our favorite 5-10 posts for the week.

We also like to post an adorable puppy picture for the week and here’s this weeks pic:

Yellow Labrador Retriever
Dublin A Yellow Lab Puppy In Training

6 Blog Links You Should Not Miss!

  • 10 Interesting Facts About Dogs – One that I found very interesting was nose printing your dog…a dogs nose is like your fingerprints.  Another one that might be interesting to our Puppy In Training readers is that puppies have difficulty holding it during potty training until they are about 4 months old.  Check out the article for all 10 interesting facts about dogs.
  • Pet Obesity Chart – This infographic was actually brought to us by Pet 365, but I found it through my Blog Paws feed.  Since I have Labrador Retrievers I always keep an eye on their weight (Labs have a tendency to be obese due to their love of food).  Stetson was getting a bit chubby about a year ago so I cut back on his feeding and now he’s looking quite svelte.  Take a look at the chart to see a few stats on dog and cat obesity.
  • Should You Let Your Dog Sleep In Bed With You? – We let Stetson and Linus sleep in bed with us.  All of our Guide Dog Puppies In Training have to sleep in their crates.  However, are we allowing our dogs to many liberties by letting them sleep in our bed?  This article may answer that question for you.
  • Merry Christmas, Kids.  I Poisoned The Dogs – Don’t worry this one has a happy ending.  This article just goes to show you that we all make mistakes with our dogs.  In fact my guide dog puppy, Dublin got into a box of chocolate cookies last year.  We ran to the emergency vet and ended up inducing vomiting.  Lucky for us no permanent damage.  No matter how close you watch your pups you never know what may happen.
  • A Puppy For Christmas! Things To Consider – This is a must read article if your considering purchasing a puppy as a Christmas gift.  If you ask us then our answer would be “No, do not get a puppy as a Christmas Gift!”  unless you know the amount of time and responsibility a puppy requires (and the person receiving the puppy knows this too) the holidays are a difficult time to take on a new pet.  We wrote a very similar article on Christmas Puppy As A Gift a few years ago.  Go with the alternative and buy a picture of a puppy, a collar, or a leash and after everyone agrees go out and adopt a puppy at your nearby rescue or shelter.
  • 21 Things You Can’t Do With A Puppy In The House – This one is a good reminder that puppies are a large responsibility and even thought they are cute and adorable they will take up a large chunk of your day.  The one I always fear the most when getting a new puppy is #7 “Sleep More Than 3 Hours In A Row”.  I’ve been lucky my last two pups have slept most of the night, but if I have another Stetson (he only slept 2 hours in a row for the first 4 weeks) I might not make it.

That’s this weeks list of my favorite blog articles for the week.

I notice a Christmas theme in this past weeks readings.  I’m sure that trend will continue for the next couple weeks and perhaps a few new years articles?

Enjoy the articles and if you have an awe inspiring article you’d like me to read and possibly link back to in our roundup then leave us a comment with a link in our comment section below.

Top Picks For Our Puppies

    We Like: Beef Collagen Sticks - All of our pups love to bite, nip, and chew. We love using Collagen Sticks to help divert these unwanted behaviors.
    We Like: Calmeroos Puppy Toy w/ Heartbeat and Heat Packs - Perfect for new puppies. Helps ease anxiety in their new home.
    We Like: Crazy Dog Train-Me Treats - We use these as our high-value treats for our guide dog puppies.
    We Like: The Farmer's Dog - A couple months ago we started feeding Raven fresh dog food and she loves it! Get 50% off your first order of The Farmer's Dog.

Check out more of our favorites on our New Puppy Checklist.

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  1. Hey Timothy! It was great to meet you too. I took a closer look at your sites over the weekend and I think they have a ton of potential. I think focusing on one of sites would be the best way to quickly grow your traffic.

  2. I have a 30 mo old male golden retreiver puppy. How does one stop barking just for the sake of barking?

  3. Thanks! Many people (including ourselves) allow dogs to sleep in the bed, but it’s definitely not for everyone and it can lead to behavior problems.

  4. Thanks very imformative!

    I don’t agree with dogs sleeping their owners bed, it’s just not right.

  5. @Pamela I agree, puppies are a lot of work. I’ve raised 3 guide dog puppies and also fostered anywhere from 1 to 7 puppies at a time. 7 puppies at one time are adorable, but I felt like it nearly killed me.

  6. Thanks for the shout-out. I came up with my list of 21 Things You Can’t Do… to be funny. But we’re finding having our foster puppy is a lot of work.

    I don’t know how you puppy raisers do it. And over and over again. It’s a lot of work to supervise and teach a puppy.

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