Puppy In Training TV Ep13 – GDA Puppies And The March Of Dimes
Just recently, Dublin, my guide dog puppy in training and I had the opportunity to work our guide dog booth at the March of Dimes…
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Just recently, Dublin, my guide dog puppy in training and I had the opportunity to work our guide dog booth at the March of Dimes…
I’m sure many of your have been following the Puppy In Training blog for quite a while now so it’s no secret that the Orange…
The first thing that came out of my mouth when I visited the Carson Animal Shelter was “What do I need to do to adopt…
Picking up your puppy is probably the most exciting part about puppy raising, but as soon as all the cuteness has worn off (actually some…
Dublin and I have been planning our Orange County guide dog group outings and not too long ago we took the guide dog pups to…
You may have noticed that we have not posted to the Puppy In Training Blog much over the past few weeks. Not to worry…we haven’t…