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Little Pink Pup

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I recently received an email from Johanna Kerby the author of The Pink Puppy and owner of Pink the Pig and Tink the Dachshund mom.  Johanna has recently put together her own website with all the latest updates about herself, her family, Tink, Pink, and all the other animals on her farm.  Check out her new website at http://www.johannakerby.com.

Little Pink Pup

I also noticed on Johanna’s website that she has a new book coming out called Little Pink Pup.  The book is due to come out until June 10, 2010.

Here are a few excerpts I found about the upcoming book:

From Johanna’s website:

Little Pink Pup is a wonderful picture book for children. It is about our miniature dachshund, Tink, who raises a premature baby pig born on our farm. The pig was named Pink for his bubblegum pink skin. The book tells their unique story of love and acceptance. The message of being accepted for who you are is the main theme of the story. The love that Tink gave Pink was very heartwarming. Pink is now part of our family and has a happy forever home with us.The book will be available in June 2010 and is published by Penguin Group, G.P. Putnam’s Sons in NY, NY. I took all the photographs in the book.

From Amazon.com:

Pink was the runt of the pig litter. He was so small that the Kerby family didn’t think he would survive– so they brought him into the house where he met Tink, a new dachshund mom. When Tink saw Pink, she immediately adopted him into her family, and helped nurse him back to health. Pink thrived in his new family: the puppies didn’t mind that Pink looked nothing like them—he was just their size.

This remarkable story has already garnered a great deal of media attention: the irresistible photographs documenting Pink and Tink’s relationship have appeared on Good Morning America and The Ellen DeGeneres Show. Readers of all ages will be captivated by these adorable animals and the amazing bond that they share.

I’m hoping we might get to see some new pictures of Pink and his Dachshund litter mates Johanna’s upcoming book: Little Pink Pup.  By the way if you haven’t already visited Johanna’s website I suggest you take a look at the more recent pictures of Pink.  Here’s a link to Pink’s page: Pink and Tink. Pink sure his grown. He dwarfs little Tink in the picture on the bottom of the page.

That’s the latest update on a story we started covering two years ago about a little piglet named Pink and has Dachshund mom, Tink.

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  1. @Tony’s, I hope you visited Johanna’s site. She has some great pictures of Pink with his adopted mother Tink the Dachshund and all his Dachshund littermates. We also have several posts on our websites some with pictures and some with video. If you haven’t seen them take a look at Tink and Pin

  2. This is a very interesting and cute story. I remember a movie several years ago where a lost pig was raised by a family of dogs, but I don’t remember the name. I really didn’t think this would happen in real life though, so very cool!

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